remember back to that fancy pants cloth napkin tutorial? and the terribly awful {yikes!} ironing board cover i told you to ignore? well i finally got around to getting a new cover for it. unfortunately vintage ironing boards aren't the same size as new
in my many years of stitchin, i've learned that leaving your old covers/pads on your board makes for a very soft {but firm}, awesome ironing surface. when you make a new cover like this, it will be big enough to keep all of the old covers covered and under control ;)
you'll need:
2 yards of each quilting cotton fabric {4 yards total}
3 1/2 yards of 1/4" drawstring {rope/twill tape/ribbon} i used 1/4" satin ribbon
step 1: wash/preshrink your fabric
spread it out on the floor, right sides together, and lay your ironing board on top.
step 2: trace around your board
step 3: stitch around the edge
using a 1" seam allowance, leaving 4-5" open on the square end. then press both edges in.
step 4: add buttonholes

step 5: turn it right side out

step 6: top stitch

step 7: drawstring time!
carefully open up your buttonholes and thread your drawstring.
ps, if you like it, pin it ;) please and thank you!
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